Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Self compassionately flawed

I often focus on the flaws more than the positivity in myself. I am trying to do better to listen to the kind-hearted voice instead.  As much as I want to just see ether good in myself, as I do others, sometimes it's really hard. But really look at all that I have accomplished in the last 5 years that I never in my life thought I could ever do! I am kind and loving and empathetic towards the ones I love and I will make a point to being the same way to myself. I often have gotten so frustrated with my kids and used to quickly turn to yelling and snapping at them instead of patiently listening and I am getting better at this as I have sat back and really listened to them lately. I try to give myself grace and put myself in their shoes. I am a good mother and the way they act to everyone around them reflects that I have done an incredible job raising them. I let the hamster in my head run on its wheel when I need to just let it sleep. I am an amazing woman with a heart that is huge. I love so big with everyone I know. I stress over little things that don't need to be as really, things will work out and that everything will be fine. When I least expect it, some of the coolest things have happened because something didn't work out as planned. I am working on being more patient with myself. I have worked hard to get to where I am. I have a supportive, incredible man in my life. I've got two amazing teenagers who are becoming adults before my eyes. I am working towards a project that came out of a great idea of something I'm passionate about. Life is good. I have a beautiful smile and laugh that radiates from room to room. I have a great sense of humor. I love music and all of the people I've met thanks to the music. My future is bright and beautiful.

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